been working here for 2 years yo! We specialize in 2 cycle, 4 cycle motors, Lawn mowers and weed wackers.
ill give you guys the virtual tour.
Heres the Moat that we use to keep the bad people out.

Heres my work station, When im not building Spec race motors, im on ebay posting
Go karts parts, motorcycle parts or Slot car Stuff.

Here is Rodrigo, he specializes in brazillian wax.
He's foreign.

Here is the shrine of Colin Fleming

Here is our 2 Motor Dynos enclosed in a sound proof room

Here is Jeanie, He likes Cats....Alot
She has an animal farm

Yamaha Motorcycle Collection in the showroom.

Oh yea, heres my boss!He usually has Guacamole on his face.
he has over 35 years experience.
I wont tell you at what though.
To find out, go to
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